ESP Vocabulary tests:
I think that I write ESP Vocabulary tests well enough, but not always.To my mind, it depends on how much time do you spend to prepare for tests at home.
Writing summaries:
It is quite difficult for me to write summaries. I do vocabulary and grammar mistakes. Also, I have to be more attentive, because I make sometimes quite simple mistakes.
Feldman's online Exercises - Multiple Choice & Filling in Blanks:
I think I am good enough in this activity. If I don't know the right answer, I can scan all text and to find it. Also, it is good opportunity to repeat the material, which I read at home and to understand better whole meaning of text.
Moodle tests on Mruni Website:
This task is similar to Feldman's online exercises. So, it was not difficult for me do it.
Online listening in class:
This activity is not quite simple for me. Sometimes listening tasks are easy and I don't have problem to understand the main idea and to write the right answer. However, I have difficulty to understand when speakers talk very fast, use unknown words and phrases. Also, it isn't easy for me when I have to answer on plenty of questions. Much better when I can listen and read at the same time.
Traditional listening to cassettes:
It is similar to online listeting. So, I have same difficilties. Also, I can add that record is not high-quality.
Power Point Presentations:
I enjoy that type of work, because making presentation let me collect a lot of useful information and to share it with peers. Also, it is very creative work. I can realize myself when I choose the topic for a presentation, search and process information, make a report and think about the design. I have enough time and have possibility to prepare for the presentation at home, my speech could be evaluated as good enough .This activity improve my language skills and knowledge.
Speaking Impromptu:
It is difficult activity for me. Firstly, I can't speak English fluently. I need time to think that can I say. I often feel the lack of words or I have insufficient information.
Short Talks:
This activity quite easy for me, because I can prepare my talk at home. So, I have enough time to think about text and what I want to say.
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