суббота, 6 ноября 2010 г.

You are how you wait: Queue Psychology

   People spend billions of hours a year waiting in lines. Waiting in queue began to emerge in Britain during World Wars I and II, then in the United States, Canada and in some parts of Europe. There are two the most common kinds of lines known as multi-server queue and "snake" line.
   The researcher Jacob Hornik has carried out an experiment and has drawn a conclusion that it is less important how long person has to wait in queue, but how long he thinks he had to wait. This obvious principle has helped some businesses to mislead the public. Businesses have discovered that they can improve customer satisfaction by concentrating as much or more on reducing perceived waiting time than on reducing actual waiting time.

   In conclusion, this research is useful for busunesses to deal with customer's complaints and do not lose their reputation.

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