I did psychology test on 5th of April and my score was not very high is only 50%. When I did biorhythm calculations I understood the reason of the follow result. I calculated my biorhythms from different web sites and results were the same.
The biorhythm chart illustrated that on 5th of April my emotional state was not stable. It means that I had a critical day. It was observed that people make more mistakes on these days. Thescore of my intellectual rhythms is a minus 100%. However, my psychical state was perfect on this day and I got 95%on it. Moreover, biorhythm calculations showed spiritual, awareness, aesthetic and intuition rhythms. It is a minus 74% of spiritual, 71% of awareness, -95% of aesthetic and -61% of intuition.
To sum up, results demonstrated that low biorhythm rhythms have affected my performance. I think that it is an interdependent and biorhythms really have a great influence in our lives.