вторник, 5 апреля 2011 г.

Stress Test

I have done the test which described my stress level. I would like to talk about my results.
Overall score. This score is measure of overall emotional well-being. My score is 4.04 on a range of 1 to 5. It means that I don't need any kind of psychological services and I am well-adjusted.
Quality of life score. This is a measure of how happy or satisfied I am with my life and I fee stress. The reason can be not absolutely good relations with my family.
Symptom distress score. This score measures my symptoms of depression, anxiety, and hostility. My score is 4.44. My score indicates that last month I didn't feel depressed.
Level of functioning score. This score is a measure of how well I am able to get along in the community. My score is 4. My score shows that I feel stress in it. Sometimes I really can be impulsive and aggressive.
To sum up, I agree with these results and I think that this test is really valid and reliable. I recommend this test to others.

Reference: http://stresstest.net/

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